Quang Trở 5mm

Sản phẩm khuyến mãi
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Tính năng

  • Điện áp Max.: 250 VDC,
  • Công suất Max.: 200mW
  • Giá trị đỉnh phổ (Spectrum peak value): 540 nm
  • Trở kháng ánh sáng (10Lux): 10 ~ 20 (KΩ)
  • Trở kháng bóng tối: 2 (MΩ)
  • Nhiệt độ môi trường: -30 ~ +70oC
  • γ value (1000 | 10): 0.6
  • Response time (ms):
    • Increase : 30ms
    • Decrease: 30ms

Other name: LDR, Light Dependent Resistors, CdS Photoresistor Test Conditions

Max. external voltage: Maximum voltage to be continuously given to component in the dark.
Dark resistance: Refer to the resistance ten seconds after the 10Lux light is shut up.
Max. power consumption: Maximum power at the environmental temperature 25℃.
Light resistance: Irradiated by 400-600Lux light for two hours, then test with 10Lux under standard light source A(as colour temperature 2856K).
γ value: Logarithm of the ratio of the standard resistance value under 10Lux and that under 100Lux.

  • γ = Lg(R10/R100) / Lg(100/10) = Lg(R10/R100)

R10, R100 are the resistances under 10Lux and 100Lux respectively.

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